PatriotDirect Affiliated Provider Directory

 🔵 Preferred Affiliate - has over one year of experience in mentorship program


Medical Providers (MD, DO, NP, PA)



Jeffrey Wacks, MD 🔵
117 W Central St. Natick, MA 01760
Ph: 508-318-6941
Kim Keogh, PA 🔵
117 W Central St. Natick, MA 01760
Ph: 508-318-6941
Kathryn Zuzak, MD 🔵
117 W Central St. Natick, MA 01760
Ph: 508-318-6941


Health Coaches


Legal Disclaimer: The names listed above are provided for informational purposes only and the healthcare providers are independent practitioners who are not formally affiliated with, partners with, employees of, or agents of PatriotDirect Family Medicine, LLC or PatriotDirect Functional Medicine Training Program, LLC (together, “PatriotDirect”).  PatriotDirect (including its principals, instructors, and employees) is not responsible or liable for the care, advice, actions, or inactions of the listed healthcare providers. Each healthcare provider is responsible for meeting, following, and complying with applicable medical standards, practices, and procedures in accordance with the provider’s license and standards of care. PatriotDirect is not and shall not be liable or responsible for any risk, loss, claim, or damage allegedly arising from any use or reliance on the above list. You acknowledge that your reliance on the list is solely at your own risk.